
Chorvatsko / Split-Dalmatia / Bol, Brač

Bol je najstaršie miesto na pobreží. Leží v strednej časti južnej strany ostrova na úpätí Bolskej koruny a Vidovej hory (najväčšie prevýšenie ostrova). V minulosti bolo toto miesto strediskom vinohradníctva, rybárov a námorníkov a dnes je to najmä turistická destinácia. Prvé zmienky sú z 12.storočia a prvý obyvatelia boli Ilyri. It "grows" with the depositing and sedimentation of small gravelly pebbles around the underwater reef. The point of the Zlatni rat (Golden horn) changes shape, attempting to conform to the will of the waves and gentle sea currents. Dominican monastery, rising in the holy peace is located on the east side of Bol, at the peninsula Glavica. Its museum has a rich archeological collection and diverse valuable objects and paintings.The urban core of Bol is shaped along the port. There are baroque summer residence, Loza with a little church, renaissancee-baroque palace with an art gallery inside it, parish church, little market and Kastil. Stylish buildings modestly fit the harmonious houses made in the original national architectural style…